Windows Media-WMV, MP3, and DVD playback support for Open SuSE 10.2

This kind of question often asked in various forum, "How to play Windows Media files, MP3 Music and DVD playback on SuSE Linux 10.2 ?". WMV, MP3 and DVD codecs are propietary software. Note : Generally this will require you to agree to restrictive software licenses. Installing WMV, MP3 and DVD Playback
– Add Instalallation Source
To add installation sources for WMV, MP and DVD support, open YaST utility, click on Software category and then Installation Source icon. This will bring up a window that will allow you to add software repositories so that you can download add-on software. You’ll notice that your CD or DVD installation media is already listed-depending your installation method before.

– Add Sources Address. click the Add button, then click on HTTP in the popup menu. Add the following Internet addresses to the Server Name field and then click on OK

Address :

Directory : /suse/10.2
You can also select a packman mirror from the list if the above address doesn’t work or is too slow.

When you add the above address and click Next, a warning message about an unknown GPG key will come up. Click the checkbox next to Do Not Show This Message Again and click Yes. The next screen will ask if you’d like to import the aforementioned GPG key. Click Import.

– Installing w32 Codecs
After add packman installation source, open software installation from YAST-Software. Type in "w32" in the search box and then press Enter. In the right-hand field, mark the w32codec-all package for installation. Click Accept and wait for completed installation.

7 thoughts on “Windows Media-WMV, MP3, and DVD playback support for Open SuSE 10.2

  1. salam kenal,

    nanya agak oot boleh kan?

    bagaimana caranya memainkan file MIDI di openSUSE/SUSE Linux 10.1?

    pakai KMid kok nggak bisa ya..

    terima kasih,

  2. Tambahkan module untuk memutar midi-nya mas. Misalnya, kalau kita mau memutar MP3, kita menambahkan plugin MP3, demikian halnya dengan yang MIDI.

  3. Itu kalo punya koneksi internet cepat. kalo kita mo install offline (gak ada koneksi internet)?

    File-file apa aja yang harus di download? Juga dependensi ??

  4. kebetulan saya pake ubuntu x86_64 (64bit), jadi codec buat jalanin multimedianya bukan w32codec… adanya w64codec… codec ini memang sangat berguna, apalagi kalo yang suka nonton film dengan jenis file .rmvb

  5. gilee.. langsung jalan bo…:D
    saya pake opensuse 10.2, abis dunlud itu langsung jalan.. sebelumnya udah update xine-lib, lame, mp321, dll ga bisa2 jalanin di amarok.
    seneng gw baru kali ini bisa.

    Trima kasih banyak yah buat sarannya..

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