SuSE 10.2 : Installing MySQL Database Server
[for Bahasa Indonesia, please Click Here] Installing MySQL database server on SuSE Linux 10.2 (OpenSuse) should be easy as 1-2-3. Just click Yast, navigate to Software Management and then search MySQL Database Server. After Accept new installation, MySQL Database Server will be up in a few minute(s).
If you get MySQL Database Server not running after installation, open a Konsole [or Shell Terminal] and type : service mysql start.
Another choice is installing MySQL Database Server from a complete bundled from XAMPP. XAMPP bundled MySQL Database Server with Apache webserver, PHP and Perl Engine.
Installing XAMPP on Linux box is very easy. This step was taken from
1. Download XAMPP for Linux from
2. Go to a Linux shell and login as the system administrator root:
3. Extract the downloaded archive file to /opt :
tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.6.tar.gz -C /opt
Warning: Please use only this command to install XAMPP. DON’T use any Microsoft Windows tools to extract the archive, it won’t work.
Warning 2: already installed XAMPP versions get overwritten by this command.
That’s all. XAMPP is now installed below the /opt/lampp directory.
4. Start
To start XAMPP simply call this command:
/opt/lampp/lampp start
You should now see something like this on your screen:
Starting XAMPP 1.6…
LAMPP: Starting Apache…
LAMPP: Starting MySQL…
LAMPP started.Ready. Apache and MySQL are running.
5. Test
OK, that was easy but how can you check that everything really works? Just type in the following URL at your favourite web browser:
Now you should see the start page of XAMPP containing some links to check the status of the installed software and some small programming examples.
InnoDB support for MySQL Database Engine is not enabled in the my.cnf configuration file on XAMPP by default. If you need InnoDB features, such as one to many or many to many table relationships on foreign key constraints, or transaction-safe commands suc
if i want to create domains or host websites and let the users manage their own what do i do…
You could use a virtual server module like cpanel or virtualmin. Installing cpanel or Virtualmin module for webmin will give a virtual server for every user. If you define a user to your host, virtual server will be automatically created domain, database server, email server, web mail and another stuff.
salam kenal. saya ingin design laporan produksi, mungkin dengan gambas bisa ya? trus untuk databasenya gimana? agar setelah selesai diinput bisa diprint. apakah ada panduan dalam bahasa indonesia? ingin gabung dengan komunitas linux di cikarang, bisa nggak?
Pengalaman saya, menggunakan Java jauh lebih powerful, kecuali untuk program laporan produksi biasa saja.
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