OpenSUSE LiveCD Installer
Fasilitas yang menarik ! James Willcox memberikan kabar menarik mengenai OpenSUSE LiveCD Installer.
It’s still in early development and has lots of hacks to make things work, but it does manage to install a working system onto your machine. The installation itself is really pretty simple. The LiveCD data is in a compressed squashfs image on the CD, and the installer just copies all of that to the disk. Then it just writes out an fstab, installs grub, etc.
As usual, however, the devil is in the details. Things like sound and video card detection are normally done by the YaST installer, so other methods must be used. It might be possible to invoke the relevant bits of YaST from the LiveCD installer to achieve the same effect, but I haven’t looked into it yet. I have everything checked into svn (svn://, so if you want to try and build a CD everything is there. I will also upload an ISO soonish.
OpenSUSE LiveCD Installer dapat didownload dari link berikut ini. Basisnya adalah OpenSUSE 10.3 Alpha 5
jika disebut liveCd apakah berarti CD, atau DVD. Soalnya driver saya belum combo yang bisa baca DVD (hikks, kasian deh, guah!)
dan, ehh. Saya denger2 Novell yang bikin SuSe ini berselingkuh dengan MS. Betul begitu?
Ada komentar tentang itu?
bozz, aq dah coba opensuse live cd 10.3 tp ada sedikit masalah. sound-nya gak keluar. sbg info aq pake notebook aspire 5580. sound card ku oleh ALSA dikenali sebagai Intel HD Audio.
waktu di klik volume control di taskbar, keluar tulisan “no volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found”
waktu di control center, sound preferences, ada pilihan driver, aku pilih ALSA – Advance Linux Sound Architecture. waktu di test muncul error “audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: internal GStreamer error: state change failed
ada saran ? 🙂
Kalo di versi 10.2 Intel HD di acer nyala tapi resolusi layar wide harus dipatch, sedangkan di 10.3 Intel HD ngga keluar suara meski dikenali tapi resolusi layar ngga perlu dipatch. Aneh juga yah.