openSUSE 11.3 Milestone 1

Stephan Kullow-openSUSE Project Manager-di milis openSUSE-Factory mengumumkan bahwa openSUSE 11.3 Milestone 1 sudah tersedia pada halaman download has the link to the ISOs and factory-snapshot was updated to the current factory. Feel free to start testing, I go home now and work on the rest after having slept some more – so we can announce to the wider audience tomorrow 🙂
Bagi para pengguna openSUSE yang hendak melakukan ujicoba versi awal openSUSE mendatang bisa melakukan download melalui halaman ini. Beberapa mirror lokal di Indonesia sudah menyediakan versi iso namun sayangnya tidak menyediakan versi iso dvd.
upstreamnya sendiri gak nyediain dvdnya soalnya pak. barusan ngecek di
Thanks info-nya boss. Saya tadi tanyakan hal ini ke milis opensuse-project.