Migrasi VMware vCenter Server Appliance ke Host Lain

vCenter Server Appliance (vCSA) merupakan pilihan utama saya dalam melakukan deployment vCenter di klien. Selain karena lebih murah dari sisi biaya-tidak perlu lisensi Windows Server+SQL Server-pertimbangan utama adalah karena vCSA ini berbasis SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (ini pertimbangan sentimentil :-D).

Kemarin ada keperluan relokasi vCenter dari satu host untuk dipindah ke host lain. Migrate VM lain selain vCenter sih mudah, bisa langsung pakai menu migrate/vMotion dari vCenter. Lha ini, vCenternya sendiri yang hendak dimigrate, gimana dong?


Kalau vCenter ada di shared storage, mudah saja. Cukup remove from inventory di host lama dan kemudian add inventory di host baru :

To move a vCenter Server between hosts when there is shared storage:

  1. Shut down the vCenter Server after making a note of the host on which it is running and the datastore on which it is residing Both can be found on the Summary tab of the vCenter Server virtual machine
  2. Connect with the vSphere Client directly to the source ESXi/ESX host on which the vCenter Server was running
  3. Right-click the vCenter Server and click Remove from Inventory
  4. Connect with the vSphere Client directly to the destination ESXi/ESX host on which you want the vCenter virtual machine to run
  5. Right-click the datastore on which the vCenter Server is stored and click Browse datastore
  6. Open the directory for the vCenter Server, right-click the .vmx file and click Add to Inventory
  7. Power on the vCenter Server virtual machine.

Bagaimana jika vCenter tidak menggunakan shared storage? Ada 2 pilihan untuk migrate-nya, yaitu cloning dan export OVF :

Moving vCenter Server when the hosts do not have shared storage

To move a vCenter Server between hosts when storage is not shared, perform one of these options:

I. Clone the vCenter Server from one host to another:

  1. Select the vCenter Server virtual machine from the Inventory
  2. Right-click the virtual machine and click Clone
  3. Select the destination ESXi/ESX host
  4. Power off the vCenter Server on the source host
  5. Power on the vCenter Server virtual machine on the destination ESXi/ESX host.

II. Export the vCenter Server as an Open Virtual Machine Format (OVF):

  1. Connect vSphere Client to the ESXi/ESX host running the vCenter Server virtual machine
  2. Power off the vCenter Server virtual machine
  3. Click File > Export > Export OVF Template
  4. Connect vSphere Client directly to the destination ESXi/ESX host
  5. Click File – Deploy OVF Template
  6. Power on the vCenter Server virtual machine.

Warning: If the vCenter Server virtual machine is running on a Virtual Distributed Switch (vDS), move the vCenter Server virtual machine to a standard vSwitch before proceeding with these steps.

Sumber : http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do…

Semoga bermanfaat 😉 . Bagi rekan-rekan yang berminat mempelajari VMware vSphere lebih detail, bisa mengikuti training yang diselenggarakan di Excellent :

Training VMware vSphere Fundamental & Medium (High Availability), 18 – 21 April 2015 18 – 21 April 2015 Rp. 3.000.000,-
Alumni disc 10%
Training VMware vSphere Fundamental & Medium cocok bagi rekan-rekan yang baru hendak mempelajari VMware vSphere atau rekan-rekan yang pernah memakai produk VMware lain (VMware Workstation, VMware Server) atau produk virtualization lain (Xen, KVM, OpenVZ, Proxmox, Microsoft Hyper-V dan lain-lain). Training ini juga cocok bagi perusahaan/instansi yang berniat mengkonsolidasikan server dan data centernya menggunakan Virtualization Technology serta berniat melakukan deployment cloud computing.

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