Instalasi VirtualBox & PHPVirtualBox pada SLES 11 Jeos Jilid 2

Artikel sebelumnya Bagaimana Install VirtualBox pada System Operasi minimal , Sekarang bagaimana memanage VirtualBox dengan PhpVirtualBox. Yang diperlukan adalah paket LAMPP server.

1. Install paket LAMPP server

zypper in -t pattern 'lamp_server'

zypper in php5-soap

2. Edit pada bagian  /etc/apache2/default-server.conf dan ganti Options None menjadi Options ALL

vi /etc/apache2/default-server.conf

3. Download phpvirtualbox terbaru

cd /opt


unzip -d /srv/www/htdocs

cd /srv/www/htdocs

mv phpvirtualbox-4.1-0 phpvirtualbox

cd phpvirtualbox

4. Rename config.php-example, Edit dan Sesuaikan

mv config.php-example config.php

vi config.php
var $username = 'vbox';
var $password = 'vbox';
var $location = '';
var $consoleHost = ''; –> Ip address dimana VirtualBox Diinstall

5. Restart web server

service apache2 restart

6. Jalankan VirtualBox

vboxwebsrv --host -b

7. Buka Browser dari Client dan Akses IPADDRESS-VIRTUALBOX/phpvirtualbox , login dengan user : admin dan password : admin

Eng Ing Eeeeeeng, PhpVirtualBox siap digunakan

Catatan : Jika Console tidak bisa dibuka atau error, Power off OS virtual kemudian settings –> Pilih Display –> Remote Display –> Checklist pada bagian Enable Server dan berikan port pada bagian Server Port, misalnya 3389 –> OK kemudian jalankan

Jika ada 2 OS virtual, Lakukan pada OS Virtual ke 2 seperti petunjuk diatas dan ganti Server Port nya menjadi 3390

Disisi client jalankan perintah berikut pada terminal / konsole



Berikut Screen shot phpvirtualbox

Silakan dicoba dan semoga bermanfaat 😀

9 thoughts on “Instalasi VirtualBox & PHPVirtualBox pada SLES 11 Jeos Jilid 2

  1. wah ada tho PHPVirtualBox. Selama ini kalo ndak pakai CLI, ya pakai GUI via SSH X Forwarding 😀

  2. [ask] kalau keluar eror gini

    Exception Object
    [message:protected] => Error logging in or connecting to vboxwebsrv.
    [string:Exception:private] =>
    [code:protected] => 32
    [file:protected] => /var/www/phpvirtualbox/lib/vboxconnector.php
    [line:protected] => 117
    [trace:Exception:private] => Array


    pas buka http://localhost/phpvirtualbox itu kenapa ya, saya sudah coba berkali tetep tidak bisa,

  3. Mas Ahmad,
    mau tanya : linknya not found ya?

    linux-tg40:/opt # wget
    asking libproxy about url ‘’
    libproxy suggest to use ‘direct://’
    –2012-10-18 18:07:43–
    Resolving…, 2404:6800:4005:c00::52
    Connecting to||:80… connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 404 Not Found
    2012-10-18 18:07:43 ERROR 404: Not Found

  4. Mas , klo saat login muncul error sperti dibawah kanapa ya?

    Exception Object
    [message:protected] => Could not connect to host
    [string:Exception:private] =>
    [code:protected] => 64
    [file:protected] => /var/www/phpvirtualbox/lib/vboxconnector.php
    [line:protected] => 107
    [trace:Exception:private] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [file] => /var/www/phpvirtualbox/lib/vboxconnector.php
    [line] => 238
    [function] => __vboxwebsrvConnect
    [class] => vboxconnector
    [type] => ->
    [args] => Array


    [1] => Array
    [file] => /var/www/phpvirtualbox/lib/auth/Builtin.php
    [line] => 21
    [function] => connect
    [class] => vboxconnector
    [type] => ->
    [args] => Array


    [2] => Array
    [file] => /var/www/phpvirtualbox/lib/ajax.php
    [line] => 109
    [function] => login
    [class] => phpvbAuthBuiltin
    [type] => ->
    [args] => Array
    [0] => root
    [1] => down^_^!001



    [previous:Exception:private] =>

  5. mas kalau muncul kayak gini kenapa yaa???
    saya memaka ubuntu server

    Exception Object
    [message:protected] => Could not connect to host (
    [string:Exception:private] =>
    [code:protected] => 64
    [file:protected] => /var/www/html/phpvbox/lib/ajax.php
    [line:protected] => 128
    [trace:Exception:private] => Array

    [previous:Exception:private] =>

    terima kasih

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