Masim Vavai Sugianto

Masim Vavai Sugianto, Tinggal di Bekasi, Bekerja sebagai wirausahawan/Konsultan IT. Penganjur penggunaan sistem Linux dan aplikasi Open Source. Hobby Membaca, Hiking dan Avonturir. Mengembangkan PT. Excellent Infotama Kreasindo sebagai lembaga training dan IT consulting.

Firefox for OpenSuSE 10.2

You may upgrading your Firefox browser on OpenSuSE 10.2 into version with a simple steps : 1. Go to Download these file : MozillaFirefox- mozilla-nspr-4.6.6-3.1.i586.rpm mozilla-nss-3.11.6-3.1.i586.rpm 3. Closed firefox browser4. Upgrade : # rpm -Uvh mozilla-nspr-4.6.6-3.1.i586.rpm # rpm -Uvh mozilla-nss-3.11.6-3.1.i586.rpm # rpm -Uvh MozillaFirefox- Run your firefox browser

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VPN How To

What is VPN ? VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. A VPN uses the Internet as it’s transport mechanism, while maintaining the security of the data on the VPN. But really, what IS a VPN? There are several answers to that question. It really depends on your network layout. The most common configuration is to…

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